60s world


60’s World: The Album Out Soon


So yeah i guess i’ll just make this a post also but yeah. This is better than the average album and I’ve put a lot of effort into it so I hope I get constructive feedback from you guys. This is my first project. I mean I’ve made over 50 songs but my music was just all over the place. I decided I should settle down and take my time to create something incredible. You just wait and see

Crazy Exes Playing Tetris

So this is probably the deepest imma go. Too many people have asked me of this “ex” of mine and what happened, how it happened, etc

Firstly I’m not going to mention her name.
Secondly if you think this is about you confirm from me no matter how obvious this story may seem

I can’t begin to describe what she put me through. It’s hard for me even to decide where to start but I’m just going to take you guys to ramsgate. Yes ramsgate, England. Where my “amazing” ex was at school.

So we started talking on Skype when my friend put me through in a conference call because we were joking around. Anyways we slowly got to know each other and I gave my friend the “thumbs up” that I didn’t mind.

Soon after things began to get more interesting and I guess there was this strange connection. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to do it but I guess somehow we started going out.

1 month in, things began to get a bit weird. I spent an unbelievable amount on calls and texts and train tickets because of her schools distance.
Even after all this she pulled out the “sometimes you don’t care” card. Now, a normal guy would probably have gotten annoyed and shit but I carried on with it. I just ignored it and tried to look like I “cared”

Anyways she began to change a bit more and everything but one piece of advice: Never let a girl or guy distract you from your school because coming out with the worst grades I possibly had in a very crucial year was probably the most fucked up thing in my life.

So Christmas came and everything was going fairly smoothly except one thing. My family noticed I was distracted by someone or perhaps something. This meant I was late for everything including family meals and prayers.

So one day I was on my phone and my dad came in. My back was facing the door and I was so distracted I thought i didn’t notice he had come in. This was one of the times I actually didn’t lock the door because I felt it was going to be a quick call.

Unfortunately for me, she decided it was time to plan what we were going to do for valentines day (ON DECEMBER 19th) and of course he overheard.

So I guess that’s when my parents started feeling alarmed because going against school rules was an understatement for how I wanted to get to an expensive restaurant in central London on a Thursday night.

I had January exams and I tried to explain this to **** but she didn’t listen yo. I was annoyed but didn’t say anything about it (HUGE MISTAKE)

Before I went back to school my parents called me in and we had a very long talk about exactly what had been happening because everybody had noticed a change in the way i behaved.

They were disappointed and I really couldn’t do anything about it. Notice I described it as a “long talk” as you probably won’t want to know what actually went down.

By this time I really want sure about what to do. Life was so fucked up at that point. Anger had kicked in.
She became more suicidal as we talked and this made it harder for me to say “get the fuck out of my life” like everybody around me wanted me to say.

She was suicidal because I wasn’t picking up her calls as much but I replied a text once in a while.

I thought and thought but still couldn’t do anything because I liked her for some reason.

So we continued and we had some really fucked up arguments and shit like that but long story short she agreed to stop calling me as much.

One day she decided she was going to go out with her friends because she “didn’t give a fuck about life”

Now. I had 2 options. One was to let her do what she wanted. Second was to advice her. I said exactly these words “Do what you think is best but just don’t go too far”. After this she asked me “Exactly what is too far?”
And obviously I couldn’t answer this so I went to sleep.

The next morning I got a call at about 4:30 am. It was her and she was crying. I was so tired that I really wasn’t paying attention. She said something like “Alex Im sick” and I was wondering what the problem. Now, she had gone out , drank too much, smoked too much shisha and weed. She really expected me to be able to help her but my Only suggestion was go to bed. She called back another 10 minutes later sounding more calm. At this point she was in the car on the way to the hospital and I already knew something was going to happen. Like something horrible.

Anyways I woke up the next morning to see this text.

“Alex my aunt asked me yI was so sick and I told it waz cos I went out with my friends then she asked if any of my friends did drugs and I said yes”

At this point I really did not have a clue what I was supposed to say because that’s so retarded. Anyways eventually her parents sent her back to school in Nigeria and she still expected me to be interested in the whole thing.

She kept promising me that when she got back to school nothing would happen between her and anyone else but at some point I got this dm

“Guy leave ***** she’s the worst slut Eva”

At this point I’m not going to say I was surprised because I knew her too well. So I called her that same night (February 13th) to talk about it. I asked straight away “what’s the guy’s name?” And she says “I hate that you just expect me to cheat without confirming” and btw the person who told me is at the same school as her in Nigeria and we’d been best friends for like 13 years so why would he lie to me?

So the arguments carry on and on for so long and I gave up on her really. I didn’t even call on valentines day. Dumped her there and then. I was so pissed off because of my grades and everything.

It was so bad I hated hearing her name really. Then finally after so long she pops up in my dms like.

“I’m going to delete your twitter account if you don’t make me a tumblr account” and I’m just like. Wtf is this girl on?

So the witch tried to delete my account after like ruining my life so badly. It was so bad everyone in my house knew and were so dissapointed. But the only thing she didn’t know was that accounts can still be recovered within 30 days of deletion. So I got my account back and she kept sending me stupid messages and bugging me but yeah.

I guess it was probably one of the worst experiences I had in the sense that when I look back I can just say. If I just ignored the whole Skype thing I would have had a much better life.

Continued At 11pm check back on this same blog post…
(Scheduled to continue on August 4 at 4:pm CAT) – Please Check This Post Later